Rio Negro: The largest blackwater river in the world

With a length of 1,700 kilometers, 1,200 kilometers of which are in Brazil, the Rio Negro is the largest blackwater river in the world. It originates in Colombia and enters Brazilian territory in the state of Amazonas. Its waters are dark due to the presence of humus and mud along its course.

Near Manaus, the Rio Negro is one of the protagonists of the spectacular phenomenon of the Meeting of the Waters, in which its dark waters do not mix with the muddy Rio Solimões, and is one of the main tourist attractions in the region. The river is also present in several stories and myths of the native peoples, having cultural importance for local communities, in addition to its relevance for biodiversity, transportation and tourism.

During the Untamed Amazon expeditions, you can sail the waters of the Rio Negro and be amazed by its exuberance in the heart of the Amazon.

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