Meet the Largest Felines of the Amazon

Felines belong to the Felidae family and emerged approximately 25 million years ago. They have short fur and legs adapted for running, making them skilled hunters capable of reaching high speeds, with exceptional strength and agility in their leaps. This predatory characteristic is crucial, as large felines help maintain the ecological balance in the areas they inhabit.

In the Amazon, the jaguar (Panthera onca), the puma (Puma concolor), and the ocelot (Leopardus pardalis) are the largest felines found in the region. The jaguar is the largest feline in the Americas and is one of the animals that represents the Amazon, often referred to as the queen of the jungle. It can reach about 1.80 meters in length and weigh up to 100 kilograms. Agile and skillful, jaguars climb trees to rest, shelter, or hunt. They are also excellent swimmers.

The puma is the second-largest feline in Brazil and is capable of leaping up to 6 meters in distance and jumping more than 15 meters in height. Due to its nocturnal habits, it is harder to spot, and its diet includes everything from small rodents to large mammals. Unlike the jaguar, which roars, the puma has a vocalization similar to that of domestic cats.

The ocelot, on average, measures 77 centimeters and weighs 18 kilograms. It is a versatile animal, adapting to various environments and is abundant in Brazil, present in over 80% of the studied areas. Usually hunting at night, it hides during the day and feeds on small mammals like young deer, pacas, agoutis, cavies, and small birds. In the absence of these, it also hunts lizards, small snakes, frogs, and fish, making its flexible diet one of its key characteristics.

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