The manatee is the largest freshwater aquatic mammal in the region. It got its name because of its song, which sailors associated with mermaids. There are three species of manatees in the world and the Amazonian manatee is the smallest of them, reaching up to 2.5 m and weighing up to 300 kg.
It is a herbivorous mammal, feeding on algae, water hyacinths and aquatic grass. It feeds mainly during the rainy season, when there is more availability of plants. Food is stored in its body in the form of fat, to meet its energy needs during the dry season, when there is less food.
As a mammal, it needs to come to the surface to breathe. Normally, it breathes in intervals of 1 to 5 minutes, but when it is sleeping, it can stay submerged for up to 25 minutes. In addition, it has a very long reproductive cycle, with a gestation period of 12 months, and the calf stays with its mother for more than two years.
If you are interested in seeing a manatee, there are several associations and sanctuaries in the Amazon region where you can see this unique species up close!