Upper Rio Negro Expedition

Upper Rio Negro Expedition

We are pleased to present you with an exclusive proposal for an unforgettable expedition aboard the Untamed Amazon. Below, you will find an overview of the planned activities, designed to provide an immersive and captivating experience in the majestic Amazon rainforest.

Activities included in this itinerary

Jungle trekking
Sunrise contemplation
Indigenous tribes experience
Evening sightseeing

Visit to Indigenous Communities:

• Get to know the WARIRO association and its rich craft traditions.

• Visit other indigenous communities to learn about their projects and the making of Aruma rugs.

• Interact with the residents and learn about their cultural traditions.

Navigation and Nature Observation:

• Navigate the Rio Negro and its tributaries, exploring the local biodiversity.

• Motorboat tours for bird and wildlife observation.

• Contemplate the world’s largest river archipelago, Mayua, with its 4,400 islands.

Cultural and Historical Exploration:

• Visit the NACIB Association in Barcelos to learn about local cultures and habits.

• Explore the Jaú National Park, including trails to see rock paintings and other historical attractions.

Adventure Activities

• Jungle trails to discover local flora and fauna.

• Swimming in the Rio Negro and sunset baths.

• Visit the Carabinani rapids and the Madada Grotto to observe rock figures.:

Gastronomic Experiences:

• Enjoy meals prepared by chefs onboard.

• Participate in happy hours and themed dinners, including the possibility of dining at the white sands bech.

• Indulge your senses with our cocktails, exquisitely crafted by the mixologist at our bar.

Relaxation and Connection with Nature:

• Enjoy moments of rest onboard, contemplating the Amazon landscape.

• Participate in flora and fauna observation activities at different points of the trip.

• Swim at river beaches and relax with outdoor dinners on board or at the beach.

Meeting of the Waters:

• Visit the majestic confluence of the Rio Negro and Solimões.

• Observe the Amazon dolphins in their natural habitat.


Baré 2 Days / 1 Nights This itinerary combines the elegance of luxury with the rich cultural and natural experience of the Amazon, guaranteeing an unforgettable adventure.


Tukano 4 Days / 3 Nights This is a classic four-day immersion cruise in the Amazon, where participants get a broader understanding of the Amazon biodiversity, from the low wetlands of the Rio Solimoes through the dry jungle land of area around the lower Negro River.


Apuau 4 Days / 3 Nights This four-day trip takes you even deeper into the Amazon. Visit the Anavilhanas archipelago and the sustainable development reserves of the lower Negro River.


Experience 5 Days / 4 Nights A five-day inmmersion cruise in the heart of the Amazon Amazon, for a truly unique experience

Amazonia Tupana

Amazonia Tupana 6 Days / 5 Nights This six-day cruise takes you on a spectacular experience along the Lower Negro River, with a total immersion into the Anavilhanas Archipelago to the Apuau River, which is home to some of the most beautiful waterfalls of this region.

Alter do Chão

Alter do Chão 6 Days / 5 Nights Now you can experience what some have called the Caribbean of the Amazon, aboard the most sustainable and exclusive vessel in the jungle.

New Year's Cruise

New Year's Cruise 8 Days / 7 Nights Unforgettable New Year's Eve on the Rio Marié Aboard the Untamed Amazon

Corporate Events

Corporate Events Find the perfect meeting venue at the unique Untamed Amazon for your friends, family or company!

Tailor Made Trip

Tailor Made Trip Build your own custom amazon cruise with us! We count with a flexible structure of exclusive cruises where you can set the route, numbers of nights and kind of experience you like to do.

Learn more about the journey, logistics, necessary equipment, and everything essential for you to experience this incredible adventure aboard the Untamed Amazon.


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